Utilizing digital marketing for franchises is a must if you’re trying to close more deals. There are many great digital marketing strategies to choose from, but a great place to start is your website. Your website is the first place your prospective franchisees will go when they want to learn more about your franchise opportunity. Not only do you want to develop a website that compels them to contact you for more information, but it should also attract visitors. Here, learn a few of the strategies Accurate Franchising, Inc. uses to accomplish these goals. 


Key Digital Marketing for Franchises


SEO & SEM Strategies

To get the attention of your target audience, you’ll want to embed the keywords they’re searching for into your content. That will help your website rank higher in search engine results and stand out to leads. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important ways to boost digital marketing for franchises.

Along these lines, search engine marketing (SEM) can help to make your website even more visible. Paid search engine ads boost your website even further to individuals searching for franchise opportunities like yours.  

Both SEO and SEM strategies are simple in theory, but it takes expertise to leverage them to the fullest. Not only will you want to come up with a great plan, but you’ll also need to monitor the results to determine it’s working effectively. Accurate Franchising, Inc. can help you with both of these steps to ensure you get the most out of your marketing budget. 

Website Design and Development

Once you’ve attracted interested visitors to your website, you’ll want to make a great impression. Digital marketing for franchises also entails developing a website that performs well on laptops as well as smartphones. You want to make it easy for leads to contact you and for prospects to obtain the information their searching for.  

A few ways to boost engagement on your website include:

  • Adding videos and photos of your leadership team and real franchisees
  • Building in relevant information like investment figures, training and support programs, and brand history
  • Creating blogs to keep readers updated by highlighting special topics  

Accurate Franchising, Inc. Can Help

Accurate Franchising, Inc. has helped countless franchisees achieve their growth goals through digital marketing and other services. We know what it takes to build a successful franchise, and our team has years of experience with everything from creating Franchise Disclosure Documents, to rebranding, to international expansion. 

We’re able to provide so many valuable services because we’re part of United Franchise Group’s (UFG) family of brands. UFG owns numerous successful franchise brands, such as Signarama and Venture X. As part of this mega-franchising team, our experts have learned from experience, and they’re ready to pass that expertise on to you.

Contact us today to learn more about how Accurate Franchising, Inc. can help boost your lead flow with digital marketing strategies.