Client Spotlight Questionnaire Full Company Name*Email* Zip Code*Website URL*Headquarters Location*List of locations (if applicable)Company mission statement (if applicable)Primary products/services*Secondary products/servicesWhy does your brand work as a franchise?*Tell the story of your franchise expansion—how many franchises in how many months/years, any planned openings in the next 6 months, etc.*What does the brand offer franchisees that they can't get elsewhere?*Please provide a testimonial about your experience with Accurate Franchising:***Please attach any brand/store photos and a company logo when you return this completed questionnaire.*Max. file size: 50 MB.MUST BE CHECKED FOR ACCEPTANCE* I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE UNITED FRANCHISE GROUP PRIVACY POLICY AND OPT-IN TO ALLOW THE BUSINESS USE OF THE ABOVE PROVIDED DATA. PLEASE READ OUR COMPLETE PRIVACY POLICY AT WWW.TRUSTUFG.COM. Δ OUR RECENT BLOG POSTS Why Is International Franchising Booming After COVID-19? Should You Train Your Team for International Franchising? The Impact of International Franchising in the Business World Strategically Preparing to Invest in International Franchising Markets Time and Financial Investments Involved with International Franchising The Value of Local Assistance in International Franchising Different Methods for International Franchising Market Entry Preparing for Global Franchise Business Expansion From Local to Global: How Accurate Franchising Helps You Turn Your Small Business into a National Franchise Franchise Success Starts with Your Website: Insights from Accurate Franchising’s Extended Support Program Webinar 10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Franchise Development Partner Franchise Survival Guide: 7 Common Franchising Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them