Accurate Franchising, Inc. has a comprehensive range of services designed to help grow your brand and achieve your goals and beyond. With more than 30 years of experience supporting brands at all stages of their development, we are at your service to guide you through the process of growing your franchise. From selling the first contract to marketing for franchises, we’re there for you every step of the way.

6 Ways We Can Help You Build Your Brand

We are on the cusp of a serious franchise boom. Prospective franchisees with management experience are ready to be in business for themselves but may not have the time to start from scratch. That’s where Accurate Franchising, Inc. comes in: we take the stress out of expanding by providing many valuable services to build your brand.

Throughout the pandemic, the franchise industry experienced strong lead generation, and this trend is expected to continue. Having a strong system will be key to drawing prospective franchisees to your business model, and that includes a comprehensive strategy to address all factors of franchising.

Our team of experts focuses on relationships to strengthen your brand. We get to know you, your brand, and its strengths and weaknesses to create customized services to take your business to the next level of prosperity. Ways we can help your franchise marketing include providing:

  1. Franchise development services. Franchise marketing begins with franchise development services. We want to have all of our bases covered to appeal to investors and ensure prospective franchisees that you are serious about helping them thrive.
  2. Lead generation services. Accurate Franchising, Inc. knows how hard it is to find and sign quality leads. Our experience in the franchising industry has made us the experts at generating leads, so much so that we have turned the art of selling franchises into a science. We can generate as many as 40,000 to 50,000 franchise sales leads in a year’s time. We have a fine-tuned process that has been tracked, measured, and improved upon for thirty years and will assist your brand in accomplishing your goals.
  3. A customized franchise lead plan. We’ve cultivated a series of lead generation strategies that are proven to work and a customized plan that highlights the best parts of your business. Our strategies include updating websites, utilizing paid ads, improving and adding content, monitoring metrics based on actual results, and more.
  4. A customized franchise sales plan. We’ll help you figure out where you want to sell, whom you want to sell to, how to qualify a prospect, and much more. We keep your sales strategy on the cutting edge by determining your goals, measuring your success, evaluating, and adjusting.
  5. Help with franchise resales. Since we understand the complex needs of a franchise system, we can help you navigate the challenge of franchise resales with confidence. We offer unmatched reporting on the sale’s progress, prepare comprehensive business analysis, assist in valuation, confidentially market the franchise throughout our extensive network, meet with and qualify potential buyers, assist in preparing the offer, and coordinate the closing of the sale.
  6. Assistance with writing, updating, and distributing the Franchise Disclosure Document. This all-important legal document provides potential franchisees with all of the information they need to know before investing in your brand. Accurate Franchising, Inc. can help compile all of the necessary data and show your prospects why your brand is a great choice.

These are just a few of the ways Accurate Franchising, Inc. can assist with marketing for franchises. Let us help you grow your business today!

Contact us today to learn more about how Accurate Franchising, Inc. can help market your franchise and take your business to the next level.